The sweeper cleans 100.000 square metres complex, it is operated by a lady, and it replaced hours of unproductive sweeping

It’s a great machine! Says Ms. Marijana Gudlin, Tehnix employee and Lynx operator. Marijana and her colleagues are responsible for maintaining the grounds around the company buildings. Prior to Lynx, this job required several hours of manual sweeping each week. The broom has now been replaced by a high-tech sweeper which cleans everything in a fraction of the previously required time.


Tehnix is a large Croatian manufacturer of waste management technologies and modular housing systems. They export about 80% of everything they produce, just like Rasco. Overall cleanliness of the company is very important to them. As the owner and general manager Đuro Horvat says, the cleanliness of a company has a positive impact on the morale of its employees, of which Tehnix has almost 500. The crisis caused by the coronavirus did not hinder the company’s growth at all.

We have stepped up business activity this year to make up for the problems the coronavirus has caused. We continue to develop our own products intensively. Our activities are mostly related to environmental protection, water protection and waste management. We also make cabins, containers and accommodation facilities that are popular in Europe given the lack of manpower and the delay in the western industry caused by the coronavirus. We have a secured market, growth of about 15%, and we were prepared for the crisis. Large investments will go into the ecology sector and there is plenty room for growth, especially for companies with innovative technologies such as Tehnix, explained Mr. Đuro Horvat.


Lynx arrived at Tehnix during September, is in use every day, and mantains over 100.000 square metres of company grounds.

I am responsible for maintaining the entire complex, the parking lots and around the production halls. The sweeper can spread the brushes wide, which is very good, because they can clean right along the very edges of buildings. I clean whenever I need to. The main parking lot is cleaned very quickly, in just 15 minutes. On the first day my colleague showed me how to drive it, the second time I was already driving by myself, and it’s going great. I am satisfied. It is simple, all functions are controlled by buttons, explained Ms. Marijana.

She says colleagues were a little surprised to see her operate a powerful machine like this, but they quickly got used to it.

Ms. Marijana Gudlin, operator of the Lynx compact sweeper in Tehnix company


Service technician Mr. Nikola Madić makes sure that Lynx is ready to work when colleagues need it. He points out its powerful waste suction, manoeuvring in tight spaces, shifting to reverse at the touch of a button and its own pressure washer.

It has a strong suction fan; it can pick up pieces of cutting board and screws that fall from forklifts and containers. What I like the most is that it has its own washer. When we unload the garbage, I wash it on the spot. So, you do not have to drive to the car wash. Manoeuvrability is excellent, it can be turned around almost in place. I also like the quick reverse option: it can be used immediately, at the touch of a button. So, when you come to some blind spot you don’t have to go left-right. We have a lot of containers and raw materials around the hall, so with this function we avoid making large circles. It is a great machine. It has everything we need; Nikola tells us.


Đuro Horvat pointed out Rasco as a successful company in a relatively small niche. He believes there is always room for improvement both in fields of waste management technology and municipal technology.

We decided to purchase your sweeper primarily because it is a quality product, it has shown good performance in practice and has given us the results we needed and because it is a Croatian product. We are a large company; we have 100.000 square metres of grounds that need to be maintained and cleaned. Up until now we’ve been doing it the old-fashioned way, with brooms. But this is a big relief, and instead of three employees, only one does the job now. So, I recommend it to everyone! Says Mr. Horvat.

Tehnix company, with production facilities only 50 kilometres away from Rasco’s headquarters, recognized the quality of Lynx and included it in its fleet. Successful business cooperations such as this one are a great motivation for the further development of the sweeper. As this case shows, Lynx can work not only in a big city or small municipality, but also in a high-tech manufacturing complex such as Tehnix.