RASCO completes its latest green investment project entitled "Increasing the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency of the RASCO d.o.o. company"

RASCO d.o.o. is in the process of completing its latest green investment project. The project, called “Increasing the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency”,” worth €802,708.17, was submitted for co-financing from European Union funds through the European Regional Development Fund 2021. Non-repayable support amounting to €378,858.34 was granted.

The majority of the project costs, as well as the energy savings to be achieved through this project, relate to the installation of a 324 kWh photovoltaic system on the roof of the production hall in Kalinovac. This is the second photovoltaic power plant that RASCO has invested in over the last 5 years. As a result, the company now covers 70 % of its electricity needs from sustainable solar energy.

In the colder seasons, the energy savings, especially the reduction in natural gas consumption, are made possible by the newly installed waste heat recovery system. The heat generated as a by-product of compressor operation in the surface protection plant will no longer go unused, but will be used to heat the working space with the help of the new system.

“Over the past decade, every investment in RASCO’s growth and development has been accompanied by measures aimed at achieving positive environmental impacts, particularly through energy efficiency improvements. Our proactive stance on environmental protection is our competitive advantage, and as one of the largest manufacturers of municipal infrastructure maintenance equipment in Europe, in 2020 we launched the most advanced compact sweeper in its class – Lynx, and its success is also contributed to by Lynx Charge, the electrically powered vehicle version that is capturing a growing market share,” said Ivan Franičević, CEO of RASCO.

RASCO has also invested significant funds in the procurement of several new, more environmentally friendly metalworking machines. The new machines are more energy efficient and have replaced older models. In addition, an electric forklift has been purchased to replace the old forklift that runs on liquid gas. This decision is in line with RASCO’s policy of continuous modernisation of production processes and promotion of sustainability.

The project, which is nearing completion, will result in a total annual energy saving of 566,205.71 kWh. Of this, the new solar power plant will generate 446,287 kWh of renewable energy annually, replacing conventional energy sources, and the remaining 119,918.71 kWh will be saved through energy efficiency measures. In total, CO2 emissions are expected to be reduced by 172.22 tonnes per year.

Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Union or the European Commission. The European Union and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for them.